Anga bot keeps you upto date with weather patterns and local climatic changes.
Here's an FAQ 😃.
Weather info:
To get weather info for cities around the globe.
1. Whats the current weather?
2. whats the weather in kisumu tomorrow?
3. tell me about weather in mombasa on sunday?
climate info:
To get local kenya climate news per region , regions: Coast , Central, Riftvalley, WesternNyanza, NorthEasternEastern.
1. How is kenya affected by climate change.
2. How does climate change affect the kenyan coast?.
- windows 10 and newer versions
- Anaconda
- python 3.8
- All in the requirements.txt file
- clone the repo
git clone
- move into the anga2.0 directory and Install requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Train bot
rasa train
- run action server in terminal
rasa run actions
- run rasa open source server in another terminal
rasa run --enable-api --cors *
- move into the website dir and run server
python runserver
In the same dir as docker-compose.yml file run
docker compose up