
Horse racing, no 3D or third party libraries, just the standard functions provided by the compiler.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Horse racing

Windows macOS Linux

Horse racing, a sport involving two or more horses ridden by jockeys (or sometimes without jockeys) over a given distance to compete.

FeaturesRequirementsCompile & RunContributingLicense



  • You can change the size of the map, in which position they will start/finish.
  • How the horses will look like in the race and, place as many horses as you want.
  • You can also change the speed at which they go.
  • Easy to modify.
  • Cross-Platform
    • Windows, macOS and Linux.


  • g++
  • git (optional)

Compile & Run

To clone and compile this game, you will need to have git and g++ installed on your computer.
From your command line:

git clone https://github.com/CM0use/Horse-Racing.git
cd Horse-Racing
g++ -O2 -std=c++2a src/main.cpp src/utilities.cpp -o HorseRacing

Run on macOS & Linux:


Run on Windows:



Any contribution you make will be greatly appreciated.
If you have any ideas/suggestions to improve this repository, make a fork and create a pull request.
You can also open the issue tracker to report any improvements or bugs.


Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
See accompanying file LICENSE
or copy at GNU General Public License