Year 2 Semester 1 and 2 - Carbon Footprint Receipt Scanner App
Install NPM and Node JS following the tutorial
After cloning the repo, cd into the root file and run
npm install
to install the dependencies.
To run the app (while testing), download Expo Go from, cd into the root file and run
npx expo start
A QR code will appear in the terminal, scan it with your phone camera and it will open in Expo Go and will show realtime updates to the app.
If you are on a mac, run
npx expo start --ios
and the app will run on the Xcode simulator.
- App.js is the root of the file. It should only contain navigation tools for the app.
- When creating a new screen, create it in /src/screens.
- If you find you are reusing a component a lot, place it in /src/components in a new .js file and import it where you need.
- To create a new branch and name it appropriately with the Jira Issue Key
- Commit with the Jira Issue Key in the commit message, with an appropriate message
- Refer to for branches and commits
- React Native Docs
- React Native Wind for CSS, the documentation can be found at
- React Native SVG Charts for charting and infographics, the documentation can be found at