Delphi and FPC Version for the SharedSurfaceQueue Lib by Microsoft
This is a utility to make interop between D3D9Ex and DXGI easier. It also includes a sample on how to use the utility.
This sample is available in Delphi and FPC.
- SurfaceQueueLib*: Contains code for the utility library
- SurfaceQueueSample_Delphi\DirectX.bmp: Texture map for the sample.
- SurfaceQueueSample_Delphi\TextureMap.fx: Effect file for the sample.
- SurfaceQueueSample_Delphi\SharedSurfaceSample.dpr: Code for the sample.
- SurfaceQueueSample_FPC\DirectX.bmp: Texture map for the sample.
- SurfaceQueueSample_FPC\TextureMap.fx: Effect file for the sample.
- SurfaceQueueSample_FPC\SharedSurfaceSample.lpi: Code for the sample.
In Original MS C++ you found the Original Download from MSDN since the file seems not to be available on the server. In this ZIP there is also a Word-Document with a Description how to use.
Microsoft Windows® 7 or Microsoft Windows® Vista or Higher August 2009 DirectX SDK