
💻 CMD Computer Club curriculum and class website

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

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Computer Club is a studieregie course given at @CMDA

  • Course: Studieregie
  • Coordinator: Danny de Vries
  • Teacher: Danny de Vries (@dandevri)
  • Credit: 1/1 EC
  • Academic year: 2019-2020
  • Period: 21 oct / 25 oct (herfstreces)
  • Programme: Communication and Multimedia Design (full time bachelor)
  • Language: Dutch instructions and English resources
  • Entry requirements: N/A


Nerd Alert! As students, most of our time is spend behind our shiny new laptop. But have you ever spend the time to figure out the inner workings of your laptop and took the time to customize it? That's what the CMD Computer Club is all about! We'll hack your laptop with tools and utilities to get more out of your system. You'll learn about how to secure your laptop and online accounts, navigate the web without being tracked and never lose your homework by backing-up your device.


Day Effort Topic
1 4:00h Hardware
2 4:00h OS Customization
3 4:00h Browsers
4 4:00h Security
5 4:00h Privacy


This course is given at Communication and Multimedia Design, a design bachelor focused on interactive digital products and services. CMD is part of the Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industries at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.


This course has a Code of Conduct. Anyone interacting with this repository, organisation, or community is bound by it.

Staff and students of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) are additionally bound by the Regulation Undesirable Conduct (Regeling Ongewenst Gedrag).


Unless stated otherwise, code is MIT © Danny de Vries, docs and images are CC-BY-4.0.