
Swiftly put your CMD Amsterdam technical course on GitHub

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Syllabus Banner - Course 2019-2020

Table of Contents


The course NAME-OF-COURSE is given at @CMDA in STUDY-YEAR between STARTING-DATE and ENDING_DATE.


Write the general overview of the course here. Example:

In Backend we peek behind the curtains and inspect what’s behind the web. You build web apps with Node.js, communicate with HTTP, and store data in a database with MongoDB In this course you’ll advance your web dev skills. You’ll learn to use computers to actually make what you design work: people can actually fill in forms, like things, and upload files.
Write about the other courses this course builds upon. Example:

Backend is an elective course given in Quarter 3 (spring) after the core curriculum of our programme, building further on knowledge acquired in *Internetstandaarden*, *Inleiding Programmeren*, and *Blok Web*. 
Write what students can do next after this course. Example:

This course is chosen alongside **Frontend 2** and **Project Tech**, together making up Block Tech. If you’d like to continue with web development after this course, do a tech internship, choose the Tech Track for the fall semester next year, and pick Minor Everything Web in the spring semester after that.
Write about what competences this course are based on. Example:

Back-end is part of the CMD Amsterdam **design & build space** (technical course) that focusses on Conceptualizing (2), Imagining and creating (3), Multidisciplinary collaboration (5) & Research (9) competences.

View the full course catalogue description on studiegids.hva.nl.


  • GitHub — Main source of information, slides, assignments and more
  • Slack — General chatter and Q&A
  • Brightspace — Schedulers, rubrics and grading

Read more about privacy, personal health or inclusivity in the /docs folder.


Main goals

The main goals in this course:


Sub goals

In practice you’ll learn to:

  • SUB-GOAL-NUMBER-1 ([week X][w1])
  • SUB-GOAL-NUMBER-2 ([week X][w1])
  • SUB-GOAL-NUMBER-3 ([week X][w1])
  • SUB-GOAL-NUMBER-4 ([week X][w1])
  • SUB-GOAL-NUMBER-5 ([week X][w1])
  • SUB-GOAL-NUMBER-6 ([week X][w1])
  • SUB-GOAL-NUMBER-7 ([week X][w1])
  • SUB-GOAL-NUMBER-8 ([week X][w1])

The below table breaks down the general time needed per week.

Week Effort Topic Activities
1 9:20h THEME-1 [SLIDES][w1lab], [ASSIGNMENTS][w1a]
2 9:20h THEME-2 [SLIDES][w1lab], [ASSIGNMENTS][w1a]
3 9:20h THEME-3 [SLIDES][w1lab], [ASSIGNMENTS][w1a]
4 9:20h THEME-4 [SLIDES][w1lab], [ASSIGNMENTS][w1a]
5 9:20h THEME-5 [SLIDES][w1lab], [ASSIGNMENTS][w1a]
6 9:20h THEME-6 [SLIDES][w1lab], [ASSIGNMENTS][w1a]

Check rooster.hva.nl for exact class dates


Task Weight
Total 100%


This course is given at Communication and Multimedia Design, a design bachelor focused on interactive digital products and services. CMD is part of the Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industries at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.


This course has a Code of Conduct. Anyone interacting with this repository, organisation, or community is bound by it. Staff and students of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) are additionally bound by the Regulation Undesirable Conduct (Regeling Ongewenst Gedrag).


MIT © AUTHOR, docs and images are CC-BY-4.0.