
the baseline model of CMDC corpus

Primary LanguagePython

Bechmark evaluation models of CMDC: Ef-Bi-LSTM and MulT

This is the bechmark evaluation code of the Chinese Multimodal Depression Corpus (CMDC).

The CMDC contains semi-structural interviews designed to support the screening and assessment of major depressive disorder in China. These interviews were collected as part of a larger effort to create automatic AI tools that interview people and identify visual, acoustic, and textual indicators of MDD.

The Bi-LSTM code is partly borrowed from https://github.com/649453932/Chinese-Text-Classification-Pytorch/blob/master/models/TextRNN.py and the MulT code is borrowed largely from https://github.com/yaohungt/Multimodal-Transformer. Thank them!

Corpus Download Link


The data are passcode protected. Please download and send the signed EULA to zoubochao@ustb.edu.cn for access request.

Code Usage


  • Pytorch
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Sklearn
  • Pickle


Before running the code, you need to label the features of the three modalities of speech, text, and video. The specific data format is shown as below:

"train": {
    "text": [],          # text feature
    "audio": [],         # audio feature
    "vision": [],        # video feature
    "labels": []         # the phq score of each participant
"valid": {***},          # same as "train"
"test": {***},           # same as "train"

Then the tags file should be named as mosei_senti_data.pkl.

How to run

There are two models (Bi-LSTM and MulT) defined in the models.py file.

The interface for the entire program is main.py. It works likes the following instruction:

python main.py