Data Engineer passionate about helping others interpret data, make more informed decisions, and create better opportunities.
Chicago, IL
Pinned Repositories
An interactive dashboard created to explore a dataset of around 150 individuals and the top 10 operational taxonomical units (OTUs) that had colonized in their belly buttons.
Analysis of Chicago's rideshare biking service, Divvy, in Q3 of 2019.
crimes and offenses for tableau connection
Interactive visualization of available bikes and e-bikes at Divvy stations across Chicago via Flask application. Must be run locally to use.
Created a functional table that displayed UFO sightings across the United States, which can be filtered by 5 different user inputs. Each sighting was added to the table using the forEach method to loop through each sighting, append a row, and use Object.entries to call the parameters for each value pair in the data (sightings) array.
Use of Python requests, APIs, and JSON traversals to answer a fundamental question: "What's the weather like as we approach the equator?"
Created a diagram of schema tables for a fictional company’s employees, managers, titles, departments, and salaries, which included both primary and foreign key constraints. Once completed, the schema was imported into PostgreSQL to run various queries by selecting table keys and joining data sets on the appropriate column.
created a web application that scrapes various websites related to the recent mission to mars and displayed the data in a single HTML web page.
CMDenys's Repositories
An interactive dashboard created to explore a dataset of around 150 individuals and the top 10 operational taxonomical units (OTUs) that had colonized in their belly buttons.
Analysis of Chicago's rideshare biking service, Divvy, in Q3 of 2019.
crimes and offenses for tableau connection
Interactive visualization of available bikes and e-bikes at Divvy stations across Chicago via Flask application. Must be run locally to use.
Created a functional table that displayed UFO sightings across the United States, which can be filtered by 5 different user inputs. Each sighting was added to the table using the forEach method to loop through each sighting, append a row, and use Object.entries to call the parameters for each value pair in the data (sightings) array.
Use of Python requests, APIs, and JSON traversals to answer a fundamental question: "What's the weather like as we approach the equator?"
Created a diagram of schema tables for a fictional company’s employees, managers, titles, departments, and salaries, which included both primary and foreign key constraints. Once completed, the schema was imported into PostgreSQL to run various queries by selecting table keys and joining data sets on the appropriate column.
created a web application that scrapes various websites related to the recent mission to mars and displayed the data in a single HTML web page.
Home page for biography
Interactive visualization of available bikes and e-bikes at Divvy stations across Chicago.
Text analysis of book descriptions from Goodreads
Visualization of an earthquake data set.
A break down of user purchasing data for a fictional video game into useful observations including age demographics, purchasing trends, and most popular and profitable items.
A study comparing the performance of a pharmaceutical versus other treatment regimens and their effects on tumor sizes in mice.
Python script to determine the winner of a fictional election by creating a counting process. This was done by importing multiple CSV files, creating a for loop to iterate through 1.5 million votes, and finally appending each vote to a list that was created to store vote counts for each respective candidate.
Used Object Relational Mapper (ORM) and automap in jupyter notebook to read and inspect a sqlite file containing precipitation data for hundreds of inspection stations across Hawaii over a 12-month period. Next, Pandas was used to organize data and create a data frame consisting of dates and precipitation levels.
Designed a responsive web page using html, Bootstrap, and CSS. The page features a navbar with active links to the homepage, a drop-down menu for different plots, a link to a html data table, and a link to a comparisons page. The main page contains a summary and visualizations containing links with further information about each. Bootstrap was used to create the layout and CSS was used for additional styling.