
Starter code, challenges and examples for the Innovation Studio's Hour of Code workshop with Legacy Girls.

Primary LanguageC


Drawing with Code is intended to expose participants to how to be creative with code. There are a bunch of fun examples to play with! There is everything from moving a puppet around with your face to drawings that dance around when you scream at them.


  • crazy waves is by Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, and LUST
  • the flocking example is based on this code by Daniel Shiffman
  • the face puppet example is based on this code by Dan Wilcox

pictures of code drawings

You can download all these examples by going to "github.com/CMP-Studio/Hour_Of_Code_Curriculum/" and pressing the "Download Zip" button on the right on this web page. You will also need Processing, which you can download at processing.org/download/.

If you are just learning how to program, I strongly recommend checking out Scratch!scratch.mit.edu

Coding Challenges

Getting Started

  1. What is your favorite color? "tweak" the colors in crazy waves (01_Positions/crazyWaves) till it's your favorite color.

  2. Tweak the variables in crazy waves (01_Positions/crazyWaves) till you like the way it look, save a picture, and print it out!

  3. Do the same for the smiley example (01_Positions/smiley).

  4. Break something in the smiley example and try to figure out why!

  5. Look a the tree grow example (03_Science/treeGrow). Try whistling at it and see what happens. Try changing the color of the tree using tweak mode.

  6. "Comment" and "uncomment" something in the code. What does it change?

Going Deeper

  1. What is the smiley example (01_Positions/smiley) missing? Freckles? Ears? ... Use simple shapes from the [processing reference] (https://processing.org/reference/) to add a new feature.

  2. Look at the smileyGenerator example (02_Randomness/smileyGenerator). Try changing it so it only produces smilies with various shades of red faces.

  3. Explore the birds example (03_Science/birds). Try tweeking the behavior and the color of the flock.