- Android API Level 26 (Android 8 :Oreo) Required At Minimum
- Android API level 29 will not support the camera feature(cant create directory to save file)
- Google APIs are required for Emulators
- For a new user to register, username and emails must be unique
- Password length must be >= 6
is required for connection to the database. This file excluded from the project folder due to security issues.google-services.json
is uploaded to CMPUT 301 Team 14 Slack Chanel (FOR TA and Team Members)google-services.json
needs to be put under/Mooditude/App
folder for the APP to be correctly built.
- The API authentication not only has the key which is already in the project source code in GitHub, it also requires device fingerprint to be added to the api auth in Google Cloud Platform when running on an android emulator.
- Firebase connection may be Unstable When Running on Android Emulators. If Login or Register Failed, please try Uninstall the APP and Reinstall APP
- IntentTest(UITest) sometimes failed to click the ListView to pop up the fragment resulting test failed, please rerun them
- For the permissions of photo, camera and location, users have to allow the permissions in the ADD Activity. It will fail if users allow the permissions in the SELF Activity.
- Launch icon: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-a-mood-the-launch-party-tickets-79769341247
- Drawable icons: https://icons8.com