Note: Master doesn't seem to be merging in my changes and I am running out of time. Please run the version of the app in the branch FixCurrency. This should combine everyone's work in a way that it works best together. - Alexander
App usage:
App begins in the login activity. From here you can use the radio buttons to log in as rider or driver. This radio button also describes which account type you will be registering for. Registration has checks for the fields, not allowing blank ones. It also has checks for format of phone number, email and password.
Once you log into rider, you arrive at the main page. Here you can see your current location on google maps. You can also see a popup for when you would like to create a ride request. This allows the user to input a starting location and a destination. Once you choose both and select "new ride", the user is prompted to confirm, showing the suggested price and route.
Once you log into driver, you arraive at the main page. Here you can see your current location and all rider requests in a list, ordered by which are closest to you. Clicking on them expands and shows the route. The driver can also accept a ride request and finish. The driver is also able to cancel the ride request he has accepted.
Both rider and driver get access to a similar menu.
this takes you to the main page
this takes you to the profile page. You may edit your profile and see your info. Can set pictures and such. See your rating if you're a driver.
*Ride History:
For rider, this allows you to see old and current rides. You may rate the driver on the old rides. You can see the status of your current rides. For driver, this allows you to see your current rides and the previous ones that you have accepted and completed.
Here you can search for profiles, see contact information and contact, and see ratings.
This allows the toggle of nightmode on or off.
This logs out the user.