

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Getting started


Create and activate a python virtual environment and install from requirements.txt. For example:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, to start the backend server, run api/app.py


Install npm packages, eg:

cd frontend
npm i

To run the frontend use the following command. Make sure the backend is running as well.

npm run start


CI runs linters on your code and checks will fail if there are any issues. To help identify/fix issues before you push, you use the pre-commit hooks. Ensure you have pre-commit PyPi package installed (it should be installed already if you've completed backend setup), then run

pre-commit install

From now on, hooks will run prior to committing, if the hooks modify files, you will have to recommit. If you do not want the hooks to run hooks, you can unselect "Run Git hooks" when committing in an IntelliJ or commit with --no-verify on the command line, or uninstall hooks entirely by running pre-commit uninstall.

The first time committing, hooks may take some time to install.

Heroku Usage

TODO (MATT): do we want autopushes to Heroku via CI? this can be setup. In the meantime, manual deployments:

First time setup

  • Install the Heroku CLI
  • Run heroku login
  • Add Heroku as a git remote: heroku git:remote -a <existing-heroku-project-name>


  • Run npm run build in ./frontend to build the React frontend
  • Run git push heroku <your current git branch>:master
    • If your current git branch is master already, you can just write git push heroku master
    • You can use the following alias in your .bashrc to make this operation require less typing: alias whateveruwant="git push heroku $(git branch --show-current):master"

Using Heroku's database locally

To use the production database locally, set SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI to the Postgres URI which Heroku sets. You can retrieve this by running heroku config:

(.venv) ➜ heroku config
=== bigger-yoshi Config Vars
DATABASE_URL:            postgres://afcocqutbilyft:<some id here>@ec2-54-157-79-121.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/dd3bpueruqk0s3

Create a run configuration that sets the aforementioned environment variable to this value and the app should use the production database.

Dropping the database

heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL --confirm bigger-yoshi


heroku ps:restart --app bigger-yoshi

Contributors / Licensing

Generally everything is LICENSE'D under the Apache 2 license by Abram Hindle.

All text is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en_US


Karim Baaba
Ali Sajedi
Kyle Richelhoff
Chris Pavlicek
Derek Dowling
Olexiy Berjanskii
Erin Torbiak
Abram Hindle
Braedy Kuzma
Nhan Nguyen
