
python-based analysis scripts for HGCal clustering studies based on ntuple

Primary LanguagePython


The python scripts in this repository should help you get started analysing the HGCal ntuple.

General usage

NtupleDataFormat.py provides a wrapper to the ntuple such that it can be used as if it contained classes. An example implementation can be found in hgcalNtupleExample.py. You need to provide an ntuple ROOT file to it:

python hgcalNtupleExample.py inputFile.root

In case your input file resides on EOS, you need to prepend root://eoscms.cern.ch/ to the path, e.g. python hgcalNtupleExample.py "root://eoscms.cern.ch//eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/FlatRandomPtGunProducer_SinglePion_Pt20To100GeV_Eta2p3To2p5_20170605/NTUP/partGun_PDGid211_x100_Pt20.0To100.0_NTUP_1.root"

HGCal imaging algorithm

HGCalImagingAlgo.py provides the HGCAl clustering code ported from CMSSW/C++ into a stand-alone python version that can run on the HGCAL ntuples. Parameterisation of the stand-alone clustering is identical to the CMSSW/C++ version. E.g. if parameter dependSensor is set to true, setting of E_c will be interpreted in terms of the local noise, and distance metric for both 2D clustering and multi-clustering is provided in terms of cm.

An example script for running different scenarios of stand-alone clustering, and comparison of sim-clusters and multi-clusters, is implemented in hgcalReClusteringExample.py, while rechit calibration is implemented in RecHitCalibration.py. In order to run thre example:

python hgcalReClusteringExample.py