Benefit Assist is an open source project originally developed by Intuit and donated to the Department of Health and Human services.
The service, built in Node.js, uses a rules based engine to determine the eligibility of an applicant based on a few pieces of input data. Currently, the service supports determining the eligibility for the following benefits:
- SNAP (food stamps)
- LIHEAP (discounted or low cost energy)
- Lifeline (discounted or low cost phone)
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Veterans pension
- Veterans health care
- GI Bill
- California low cost auto insurance
- Student loan repayment
- Unclaimed Funds
You can see a running demo @
Confirm you have the necessary components on your computer
- Node.js (v10 or greater) and npm
- Install Grunt client globally
- sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
- Ask the administrator to send you the 'secrets.json' file. This file contains credentials to thirdparty APIs. (may not be applicable)
- Copy secrets.json to server/config directory.
- Install the node module dependencies
- cd server
- npm install
- Start the node server. These steps should start node running on port 3000.
- cd server
- node app
- Fire it up with a POST command (content type MUST BE application/json)
- curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "firstName" : "Greg", "lastName" : "Miller", "state" : "CA", "lastMonthTotalIncome" : 500 }' "http://localhost:3000/benefits/search"
- Unit tests are written using Mocha. From the /server directory
- JS Hint: grunt jshint
- Unit tests: grunt test
- Code coverage: grunt coverage
- Sign up for an github account if you don't have one.
- Install SourceTree -
- Sign in and go to File -> New/Clone
- Select New Repository -> clone from url. Enter Click OK
- Install WebStorm.
- Open a Project. File -> Open -> /path/to/project on your computer
- Go to Run -> Edit Configurations
- Click on plus sign to add new configuration. Select Node.js
- Give any name (like 'Node Server') in ‘Name’ tab
- Select working directory : /path/to/server directory
- Select JavaScript file : app.js
- Accept other default values and click OK.
- Start the debugger. Run -> Debug -> <'Node Server' or whatever name you gave the configuration>