
A JavaScript module for converting markup in text form to JSONML, for Node.js and the browser

Primary LanguageHTML


Convert markup (HTML) in text form to JSONML.

Travis CI Build Status Dependency Status

NPM Module

Browser support


var parse = require('jsonml-parse');
parse('<button class="btn">Awesome</button>', function(err, data) {
    //-> ["button", { "class": "btn" }, "Awesome"]


With npm do:

npm install jsonml-parse

jsonml-parse also works in the browser, both via browserify and as a stand-alone script:

<script src="http://wzrd.in/standalone/jsonml-parse@latest"></script>


var parse = require('jsonml-parse');

jsonml-parse exposed two different API styles: callback and stream.

parse(markup, callback)

Parses the markup string and invokes callback when done. callback is treated as a node-style callback, i.e. the first argument will always be the error object (null on success), and the second will always be the JSONML result. Note: If markup contains multiple top-level nodes they will be wrapped in an array before being passed to callback. This will also be the case if your markup has leading and/or trailing whitespace/text. For consistent resuls be sure to String#trim() the markup before passing it to parse().

var stream = parse()

Returns a new transform stream which you will write the markup to, and read the JSONML from. Note: Each top-level node will be emitted as separate 'data' events. Any whitespace/text before, after, or in between top-level nodes will be treated as a separate top-level nodes, so be sure to handle accordingly in your data event handlers.


jsonml-parse also comes with a CLI tool (jsonmlparse):

$ jsonmlparse --help

Usage: node jsonmlparse [file] [options]

file     The file containing the markup to convert to JSONML, will read from stdin if not specified

   -o, --output   Output file, will send to stdout if not specified
   --version      Print version and exit


curl www.bbc.co.uk | jsonmlparse > bbc.json