- Team members: tskulkar@andrew.cmu.edu and dkarve@andrew.cmu.edu
- Online URL: https://share.streamlit.io/cmu-ids-2022/assignment-2-dtk2/master/streamlit_app.py
- Repository:https://github.com/CMU-IDS-2022/assignment-2-dtk2
Check out the Streamlit getting started guide and setup your Python environment.
To run the application locally, install the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
(or another preferred method to install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt
). Then run streamlit run streamlit_app.py
Before you can view your application online, you need to have it set up with Streamlit Cloud. Sign up for a free Starter Streamlit Cloud account.
Then, go to share.streamlit.io to deploy your Streamlit app by creating a new app and pointing it to your github repo.
Once the repo is set up, please update the URL as the top of this readme and add the URL as the website for this GitHub repository.
- An interactive data science or machine learning application using Streamlit.
- The URL at the top of this readme needs to point to your Streamlit application online. The application should also list the names of the team members.
- A write-up that describes the goals of your application, justifies design decisions, and gives an overview of your development process. Use the
file in this repository. You may add more sections to the document than the template has right now.