
RealSense fails to launch sometimes

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RealSense sometimes fails to launch with following messages. It can be solved by restarting people docker repeatedly.

people_1        | [ WARN] [1615171556.444876947]: Hardware Notification:Depth stream start failure,1.61517e+12,Error,Hardware Error
people_1        |  08/03 11:45:56,698 WARNING [140009374414592] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: No data available, number: 61
people_1        | [ WARN] [1615171557.445230250]: Hardware Notification:IR stream start failure,1.61517e+12,Error,Hardware Error
people_1        | [ WARN] [1615171558.445528332]: Hardware Notification:USB REC overflow,1.61517e+12,Error,Hardware Error
people_1        |  08/03 11:45:58,961 ERROR [140008885569280] (uvc-streamer.cpp:106) uvc streamer watchdog triggered on endpoint: 130
people_1        | [ WARN] [1615171559.445798236]: Hardware Notification:USB CAM overflow,1.61517e+12,Error,Hardware Error
people_1        | [ WARN] [1615171561.446199086]: Hardware Notification:IR stream start failure,1.61517e+12,Error,Hardware Error
people_1        |  08/03 11:46:01,750 WARNING [140009374414592] (messenger-libusb.cpp:42) control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: No data available, number: 61

I think this is caused by the update of linux kernel used by people docker, and need to update RealSense ROS from 2.2.21 to 2.2.22.

This issue is solved by #8