CMU-cabot/cabot cannot pass param in time

daisukes opened this issue · 1 comments

In some situation, parameter cannot be transferred to the arduino device.
Parameter is acquired by the python script, so there might be a problem over the serial communication.

[INFO] [1677545518.378677933] [cabot.cabot_serial]: get_param touch_params=[90, 40, 15]
[WARN] [1677545520.396938369] [cabot.cabot_serial]: Please use touch_params:=[baseline,touch,release] format to set touch params
[WARN] [1677545520.401410717] [cabot.cabot_serial]:  touched  if the raw value is less   than touch_params[0] - touch_params[1]
[WARN] [1677545520.405789013] [cabot.cabot_serial]:  released if the raw value is higher than touch_params[0] - touch_params[2]
[INFO] [1677545520.409159940] [cabot.cabot_serial]: Using [128, 64, 24] for touch_params
  • check if it can reproducible with a unit test
  • check if it can happens during launch process (launch with all other processes)
  • check if it can only happens in specific environment (GT/GTM/ACE)

It is a combination of bugs in and the arduino code.
Fixed by the following commits.
