
Earth Engine Landsat and Sentinel data downloader.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

EEDL: Earth Engine Downloader

Python script for downloading Landsat 8, Landsat 9, and Sentinel 2 imagery from Google Earth Engine. General options:

  • Directly download raw Landsat imagery
  • Directly download random Sentinel 2 mosaics in the shape of raw Landsat imagery
  • Download random Landsat mosaics with designated size to Google Drive
  • Download random Sentinel mosaics with designated size to Google Drive

A more detailed explanation of options is available in Usage.


First you need to register with Google Earth Engine. (https://code.earthengine.google.com/)

After registering you can set up EEDL in your local environment.

In a conda environment perform the following commands:

conda create -n eedl --file requirements.txt -c conda-forge
conda activate eedl
earthengine authenticate


Available commands:

  • -b, --bounds: Specific latitude and longitude bounds to define region of interest for downloads. Defaults to region centered on Florida, USA.
  • -g, --grid_key: Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) designated region describing a section of the Earth. Examples: 17R, 32S. Overrides --bounds argument.
  • -i, --idate: Initial date for the time range of imagery to download. Format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY
  • -f, --fdate: Final date for the time range of imagery to download. Format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY
  • -s, --scale: Spatial resolution of imagery. Default = 150.0 meters.
  • -m, --maxims: Maximum number of images to download. Default = 10.
  • -se, --sensor: Specify the satellite sensor to download imagery from. Options: 'l8' for Landsat 8, 'l9' for Landsat 9, 's2' for Sentinel 2. Defaults to 's2'.
  • -o, --outpath: Specify the directory to put imagery in. Default is 'images'.
  • -r, --region: Custom region name for naming files. Required if using custom bounds. Defaults to --grid_key argument if not specified.
  • -sd, --seed: Seed for replicating downloads and random mosaics.
  • -c, --crs: Specifies coordinate reference system if specific CRS desired.
  • -cc, --cloud_cover_max: Float that specifies maximum percentage of cloud cover in each image. Defaults to 40.0.
  • -ccgt, --cloud_cover_min: Float that specifices minimum percentage of cloud cover in each image. Defaults to 0.0.
  • -ba, --bands: Specifies bands to include in image download. Defaults to RGB which is B4 B3 B2.
  • -cm, --custom_mosaics: Flag to enable custom mosaics. Switches download method from direct to Google Drive. Defaults to False.
  • -vb, --vertical_buffer: Vertical buffer around center point of created custom mosaic in meters. Defaults to 318816.
  • -hb, --horizontal_buffer: Horizontal buffer around center point of created custom mosaic in meters. Defaults to 425088.
  • -gd, --gdrive: Download flag to set all images to download directly to Google Drive. Defaults to False.
  • -np, --nprocs: Integer override for multiprocess to control number of simultaneous image requests to send to Earth Engine. If None defaults to output of cpu_count.
  • -rm`, ``region_mosaic: Flag to generate random mosaics of the entire region as opposed to sample images from within a region. Defaults to False.
  • -h, --help: Show the help message and exit.

Below are some examples of use cases:

Downloading 500 Landsat 8 GEOTiffs from region 17R with 164 meter Ground Sample Distance (GSD) to a directory called landsat_images

Command: python eedl.py -g 17R -i 2022 -f 2023 -s 164 -m 500 -o landsat_images

Result: etc.

Downloading 10 Sentinel 2 GEOTiffs from region 17R with 250 meter GSD to a directory called s2_images

Command: python eedl.py -g 17R -i 2020 -f 2023 -s 250 -m 10 -o s2_images -se s2

Result: etc

Downloading 3 Landsat 9 GEOTiff custom random mosaics centered in region 17R with 500 meter GSD and 500 km width and height to a directory called l9_17R_mos at the root of Google Drive with crs EPSG:4326.

Command: python eedl.py -g 17R -i 2022 -f 2023-06-15 -s 500 -cm True -vb 250000 -hb 250000 -o l9_17R_mos -se l9 -m 3 -c EPSG:4326


Downloading 3 Landsat Sentinel 2 GEOTiff custom random mosaics centered in region 17R with 1000 meter GSD, 637,632 meter height, and 850,176 meter width to a directory called s2_17R_mos at the root of Google Drive with crs EPSG:4326.

Command: python eedl.py -g 17R -i 2022 -f 2023 -s 1000 -cm True -o s2_17R_mos -se s2 -m 3 -c EPSG:4326
