
Replication package for our MSR 2018 paper on Travis-CI abandonment, for public inspection in the interest of open science.

Primary LanguageR


Replication package for our MSR 2018 paper on Travis-CI abandonment, for public inspection in the interest of open science.


If you use this data, we would appreciate it if you cite:

  title={I’m Leaving You, Travis: A Continuous Integration Breakup Story},
  author={Widder, David and Hilton, Michael and K\"{a}stner, Christian and Vasilescu, Bogdan},
  booktitle={Proc.\ International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)},

Data Description

Here is a description of the measures we refer to in the paper:

  • lang: the project language as determined automatically by GitHub
  • created_at: the date of the project's first commit
  • last_build_finished_at: the data of the project's last build (data collected circa Mar 2017)
  • first_t_commit: the date of the first .travis.yml commit
  • last_t_commit: the date of the last .travis.yml commit
  • active: Whether builds are switched on
  • last_build_duration: the duration in seconds of the last Travis build
  • yml_contribs: the number of contributors to the .travis.yml file
  • yml_commits: the number of commits to the .travis.yml file
  • job_count: the number of jobs spaned by the last Travis build
  • last_build: date of the last Travis build
  • commits: number of project commits
  • contribs: number of project contributors
  • last_commit: the date of the last commit to the project
  • build_count: the number of builds completed (data collected circa Mar 2017)
  • first_build the date of the first Travis build
  • yml_deleted: the date the yml file was deleted, if applicable
  • builds_period: the number of days that builds were active on Travis
  • pushes: the number of Push instigated builds on Travis
  • PRs: the number of Pull Request instigated builds on Travis
  • project_age: the age of the project in days
  • abandoned: whether the project has abandoned Travis or not
  • commit_time_after_last_build: the number of days between the most recent build and the most recent commit to the project
  • abandoned_and_alive": whether the project was still alive 30 days after the most recent build (to rule out project abandonment from Travis abandonment)