
##Project Submission Develop a single-page application using React featuring a map of my neighborhood. You will then add additional functionality to this application, including: map markers to identify popular locations or places you’d like to visit, a search function to easily discover these locations, and a list view to support simple browsing of all locations. You will then research and implement third-party APIs that provide additional information about each of these locations (such as StreetView images, Wikipedia articles, Yelp reviews, etc).

##Project Rubric!/rubrics/1351/view


##Asynchronous Data Usage Google Maps API or another mapping system and at least one non-Google third-party API

Either the Fetch API or XMLHttpRequest. Data requests that fail are handled gracefully using common fallback techniques (i.e. AJAX error or fail methods). 'Gracefully' means the user isn’t left wondering why a component isn’t working. If an API doesn’t load there should be some visible indication on the page that it didn’t load.

##Location Details Functionality Functionality providing additional data about a location is provided and sourced from a 3rd party API. Information can be provided either in the marker’s infoWindow, or in an HTML element in the DOM (a sidebar, the list view, a modal, etc.)

Provide attribution for the source of additional data. For example, if using Foursquare, indicate somewhere in your UI and in your README that you are using Foursquare data.

##Extra Resources

Problem-solving and debugging for front-end projects webinar