CMake FetchContent module for (Atmel) Microchip SAM D5x/E5x Family Chip Support Package
This CMakeFetchContent module will auto download+configure the Device-Family-Pack for supported Samd51 chips:
- samd51g19a
- samd51j18a
- samd51j19a
- samd51j20a
- samd51n19a
- samd51n20a
- samd51p19a
- samd51p20a
- arm::cmsis_5 (TODO: Automated fetch etc?)
Modules can be included as submodules or... TODO: Document usage via FetchContent?
Add as Submodule to your reposuitory and add_subdirectory
- microchip::samd51::csp (ALIAS microchip-samd51-csp)
either [1,2] where v1 is Atmel style and v2 is Microchip style (i.e. After acquisition and remoes the bit-struct registers types but has all latest features)MCU_ID
either [samd51g19a,samd51j18a,samd51j19a,samd51j20a,samd51n19a,samd51n20a,samd51p19a,samd51p20a] specifying the taregt MCU_ID being compiled forMCU_RunsFrom
either [flash,sram] TODO: only flash tesed on samd51j19a targetMCU_FlashPartition
either [app,boot] determining flash storage partition from boot (0x0) or app (0x2000) for bootloader based target TODO: Configure app/bootloader address