You can either:
Fork your own copy of the repo, and work on itJust realized this is probably not a good idea, because you can see other people's solutions... Try to do a private fork then: -
or, download a zip file containing everything: (recommended)
or, directly clone the repo to local:
git clone
Please follow instructions in the Jupyter notebook rl.ipynb.
An example of finished homework is in example_solution/rl.ipynb and example_solution/rl.pdf.
Example training logs example_solution/log_breakout_dqn.txt, and example_solution/log_breakout_a2c.txt. Format:
iter: iteration
n_ep: number of episodes (games played)
ep_len: running averaged episode length
ep_rew: running averaged episode clipped reward
raw_ep_rew: running averaged raw episode reward (actual raw game score)
env_step: number of environment simulation steps
time, rem: time passed, estimated time remain
iter 500 |loss 0.00 |n_ep 28 |ep_len 31.3 |ep_rew -0.22 |raw_ep_rew 1.76 |env_step 1000 |time 00:04 rem 281:49
Run these commands once to make BlueWaters happy (install a newer version of gym):
module load python/2.0.0
pip install gym[atari]==0.14 --user