Efficiently annotate Whole Genome (WG) variants of a VCF file (ex: CADD score, GERP, Refseq, GnomAD etc.).
$ annotwg -h
annotwg [options]
-v, --vcf <file.vcf.gz>
vcf file bgzipped and indexed with tabix to annotate [Mandatory]
-r, --reference <ref.fa>
indexed fasta genome reference (.fai or .dict format) [Mandatory]
-a, --annot <bcf_annot_file>
path to an annotation file (bcf format csi indexed) [Mandatory]
-s, --annot-list <list>
a comma separated list of INFO features to annotate (all annotations by default)
-t, --thread <integer>
number of threads used by annotwg (optional) [default:1]
-d, --tempdir <path/to/tmp> [default: working directory]
path to annotWG temporary directory
-o, --output <out_file> [default: <input_prefix>.annotated.vcf.gz]
output, e.g. annotated VCF file
-O, --output-format <b|z>
b: compressed BCF, z: compressed VCF [default : z]
-m, --join-alleles
Annotation of splitted alleles can skip variants with bcftools.
This flag try to use bcftools norm -m + to join alleles to correct this behavior [optional flag]
-I, --indexing
perform on the fly csi index generation of the ouput [optional flag]
-T, --tbi
generate a tbi index instead of csi
-p, --annotprefix <prefix>
prefix that will be added before every annotation from the annotation file [default ''].
example: if '-p annotwg_' the XXX field from the annotation source will be annotated annotwg_XXX.
-i, --id
Annotate the ID field from the annotation source (optional flag)
-l, --compression-level
The level of compression (integer from 1 to 9) (optional) [default:-1]
-h, --help
print help
AnnotWG annotate a WG bgzipped and tabixed VCF file
annotwg -v file.vcf.gz -r ref.fasta -a annot.bcf
See the LICENSE file for licensing information as it pertains to files in this repository.
The main dependency is bcftools.
Complete dependency list:
- htslib
- bcftools
- gawk
- grep
- coreutils
- bash
git clone https://gitlab.com/cnrgh/annotwg.git
cd annotwg
./install.sh --prefix /usr/local # to install as root (see './install.sh -h' for more details)
annotwg -h # to check if the install worked
git clone https://gitlab.com/cnrgh/annotwg.git
cd annotwg
conda env create -f annotwgcondaenv.yml
conda activate annotwg
./install.sh --prefix "${CONDA_PREFIX}" # to install in the active conda env. see './install.sh -h' for more details
annotwg -h # to check if the install worked