
A client/server package to EASILY add unobtrusive validation to BOTH sides :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

* FormTools
* A MooTools 1.3 class suite for validating form elements
* and other useful stuff to do with forms
* @feature - 100% un-obtrusive
* @feature - non-className based
* @feature - small as shyt'
* @feature - Totally extensible
* @feature - way fast
* @feature - error messages output "your way"
* @feature - extra stuff included - way? - yo.
* @author Codename: Steeve Knight
* @version v.01a

This demo is a work in progress.
_Round out the assertions demonstrated
_Document and include 'Extras'
_Complete this README

Functional About:

FormTools was designed to help me save time enabling data validations coming from forms in web pages I build.
I wanted to be able to configure the necessary validations for a form in one place in my server-side controllers and
be able to run the same suite of validations for a form on the client-side (browser) AND the server-side, and it needed
to b reliable. What I came up with:

For Server-Side
- an Array (in php but could be any language) defining validation assertions (1 each per form)
-- might look like 
            $billingAddressFieldChecks = array(
                'email' => 'isNotEmailIfNotIsValueEmpty',
                'pre_nominal' => '',
                'first_name' => 'isValueEmpty',
                'last_name' => 'isValueEmpty',
                'post_nominal' => '',
                'company_name' => '',
                'address1' => 'isValueEmpty',
                'address2' => '',
                'city' => 'isValueEmpty',
                'stateOrProvinceCheck' => array(
                    'assertUsing' => 'isNotOneTrue',
                    'state_id' => 'isWithoutSelectedOption',
                    'province' => 'isValueEmpty',
                'zip' => 'isValueEmpty',
                'country_id' => 'isWithoutSelectedOption',
                'phone_number' => '',
- a suite of class methods to handle the assertions
- and a few additional lines of back-end and front-end code to turn the array into a JSON string and send it to the browser along with 
  some instructions (see what follows).
For Client-Side 
- FormTools MooTools class
- The above JSON object and a javascript event method bound to the form that will call FormTools using this assertions object when the
  form is submitted. (See demo.source.js)
And that's it. Now I knock out my forms validation with just a few lines, and an occational custom Assertions (see FormTools.source.js). 
and no extraneous,cryptic classes or rels or id's on my forms elements