- 3
Not complied on embdded GPU
#52 opened - 7
ubuntu 16.04+g++ (Ubuntu 4.9.3-13ubuntu2) 4.9.3
#57 opened by wsqat - 4
#55 opened - 2
crash on my mac
#54 opened by xiebaiyuan - 1
setting global size
#50 opened by AriRasch - 5
- 3
- 8
Using CLTune for optimizing saxpy
#48 opened by AriRasch - 3
GEMM on input sizes that are not a power of 2
#47 opened by AriRasch - 4
clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo does not tell you the size of the output variable when passed nullptr and size=0
#43 opened by williamjshipman - 9
machine learning pipeline
#41 opened by UniqueFool - 1
Hard-coded relative path in test/
#40 opened by OursDesCavernes - 4