Raphanus' Lending Bot

Bot to refresh lending offers to earn compound interest in cryptocurrency exchanges. Currently supports only FTX Pro.


mix deps.get
MIX_ENV=prod mix release

# or containerize
podman build -t raphanus-lending-bot .


Runtime configurations

Config by environment variables

  • FTX_KEY: FTX API key
  • FTX_SECRET: FTX API secret
  • FTX_SUBACCOUNT: (optional) FTX subaccount

Compile time configurations

In config/config.exs:

config :ftx_lending_bot, FtxLendingBot.Scheduler,
  # Reference: https://github.com/quantum-elixir/quantum-core
  jobs: [
    # Refresh lending offers every 15 minutes
    {"*/15 * * * *", {FtxLendingBot.Lender, :call, []}}