
How to get setup on Azure for Students (including registering and setting up your device)

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Registering on Azure for Students

For students that try these steps and get a 'not available message', try these steps instead: Microsoft Imagine

You will need a phone that can receive SMS messages and your college email/password before following these steps.
At no point in any of these steps should you need to enter credit or debit card details. If you are asked to, you've taken a wrong turn somewhere.

  1. Open an "InPrivate" or "Incognito" browser session. This is important as you want to avoid any cookies from your other accounts
  2. Navigate to Azure for Students (not Azure for Students Starter):
    1. If based in UK at time of signup: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/free/students/
    2. If based in Ireland at time of signup: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-ie/free/students/
  3. Click Activate Now
  4. Sign in to your account – you must use your college account
  5. Fill in the 'About You' section, use college email for the "Email address for important notifications"
  6. Verify by phone - "Text me" will send you a code your phone
  7. Accept the User Agreement and click Sign up
  8. Microsoft Azure dashboard should appear