
Ansible scripts to manage the COMHIS CSC cloud infrastructure

Primary LanguagePython


First, install Ansible and some required libraries, for example by running pip install -r requirements.txt (you can use either Python 2 or 3). Run ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml to install role dependencies. Authenticate to Pouta. You can get the needed credentials from https://pouta.csc.fi/dashboard/project/access_and_security/api_access/openrc/ . You'll get a shell script which you need to source before running any of the commands below. You'll also need the COMHIS RSA private key, which you can get from e.g. Eetu. Finally, the public key for this (which is in roles/remote-desktop/files/comhis.pub) needs to be uploaded to Pouta at https://pouta.csc.fi/dashboard/project/access_and_security/ -> Key Pairs. Name it comhis.

Building servers

Run e.g. ansible-playbook playbooks/build-frontend.yml. Here, the frontend node needs to be built before the others, as, being the only node with a public IP, it acts as a bastion host to access the others, which are only in a private subnet. To get an SSH conf of the current servers, run ansible-playbook playbooks/generate-ssh-config.yml. After generating the SSH config, you can access the hosts by e.g. ssh -F ssh.conf ecco_octavo_api.

Building a temporary processing node

Run ansible-playbook playbooks/build-processing.yml -e name=[nameofnode] for a console node (optionally adding -e flavor=[flavor]).

For a GUI node, run ansible-playbook playbooks/build-processing-desktop.yml -e name=[nameofnode]. After that, create an SSH tunnel to the node by running e.g. ssh -F ssh.conf -N -L 4001:[nameofnode]:4000 frontend (add -f to make the SSH tunnel go to the background). After this, you can connect to the remote desktop using NoMachine. Set localhost as the host and 4001 (or whatever you put into the tunnel) as the port. Select private key as the authentication method and point NoMachine to your COMHIS RSA key. The username is cloud-user.

Tearing down servers

Run ansible-playbook playbooks/delete-node.yml -e name=[nameofnode]