
These are the perl files needed, to extend an existing fhem installation with support for the fhemduino.

Just copy all the .pm files from this repository into the fhem/FHEM directory.

If your fhem Installation resides in /opt/fhem, then these files must be copied into the /opt/fhem/FHEM directory.

How to set up the fhemduino in FHEM?

Connect the fhemduino (Arduino with fhemduino sketch) via usb to your system (Fritzbox, Raspberrypi, ...). Lets assume, it is available as /dev/ttyACM0@9600 then add the fhemduino to your fhem.cfg like this:

define FHEMduino FHEMduino /dev/ttyACM0@9600

How to add Sensors

Noting to do for you. Let autocreate add the sensors which are received.

Where to get help

Open an issue, and ask.