
Code-Sum-Moar. Anoroc-Mobile is the mobile application being developed for the Anoroc system. Anoroc aims to assist communities in the tracking of a cotangent around areas and notifying its users when they have been exposed to risk using spatial data analytics.

Primary LanguageHTML


Table of Contents

Project Overview

AnorocAd Considering the recent Global Emergency, it has been more apparent than ever before that the ability to track and trace a contingent is of the utmost importance. Cotangent tracking allows users to avoid potential infections and for authorities to be able to flatten the infection rate curve by the use of restrictions or medical services at the hot spots of the tracing. The application will allow the tracking of multiple contingents that are deemed as pandemics by the World Health Organisation, that are currently affecting the country that the user is in. Often this will only be one contingent at a time; however, the system will have the capability to track multiple.

The application proposed is a tool that tracks the user’s location data on a mobile app, that is sent to the server and stored in a manner that both protects the user’s identity and location, as well as provides a way to generate spatial data that can be analyzed and displayed in the manner of a heat map on the user’s mobile device or the web app. User’s should be able to view and download their location data as well as sensitive data they have opted into entering.

The application will allow the user to log in or register using either an Anoroc account or by the use of their social media accounts (Google, Facebook). Once logged in, the user will be able to voluntarily give their contagent status and select the contagent they will be focusing on. The application allows for anonymous users, these user will simply be able to see the hotspots and calcuate their risk.

Anoroc WebApp



Demo Videos



Required Software

  • Visual Studios With these options installed: VisualStudioInstallOptions
  • Clone the Anoroc-Mobile or Anoroc-Server repository into your local directory.
  • Open Visual Studios by launching the AnorocMobileApp.sln or Anoroc.sln file respectively.

Google Maps

  • To use the google maps portion of the mobile application you need to place your own Google Maps API Key in the android manifest file.
  • To get an API Key please follow the instructions found at this link: Obtaining a Google Maps API Key

Testing Instructions

  • Open the Test Explorer in Visual Studios:
  • Click on the green play button to Run All Tests.


Name Surname Email Github.io
Tebogo Selahle u15210822@tuks.co.za tebogo.codes
Andrew Wilson u15191223@tuks.co.za andrew96-eng.github.io
Anika van Rensburg u17246840@tuks.co.za anikavanrensburg.github.io
Anrich Hildebrand u15178782@tuks.co.za anrich96.github.io
Kevin Huang u15026681@tuks.co.za kevin-d-h.github.io
Ronald Looi u15226532@tuks.co.za rsl-student.github.io


Tebogo Selahle

  • UX / UI Development
  • Backend Server Development

Andrew Wilson

  • Spatial Data Analytics
  • Backend Mobile Development

Anika van Rensburg

  • UI Testing
  • Backend Mobile Development

Anrich Hildebrand

  • Database Management
  • Backend Server Development

Kevin Huang

  • Push Notification System
  • UI Testing

Ronald Looi

  • Backend Server Development
  • Backend Mobile Development