Deprecated ACCESS-OM2 global ocean - sea ice coupled model code and configurations.
- 23
- 34
- 24
1 deg CICE grid very slightly misaligned with MOM
#279 opened by aekiss - 129
Support ERA5 forcing
#242 opened by aekiss - 0
- 9
0.25 deg CICE grid misaligned: U points at NW corner
#280 opened by aekiss - 4
Missing data in at 0.25° and 0.1°
#273 opened by aekiss - 49
Software licence
#264 opened by aidanheerdegen - 10
Not reproducible across restarts
#281 opened by aekiss - 60
- 1
1deg grid has oscillations in dyu
#271 opened by aekiss - 28
non-reproducible runs
#266 opened by aekiss - 0
Where to download the input files for access-om2
#278 opened by malibin1983 - 5
- 1
- 20
- 22
sea_level roughness depends on timestep
#243 opened by aekiss - 11
Setting up MOM5-SIS forced with JRA55-do
#268 opened by rfarneti - 1
npp data is incorrect in 01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle4 and 01deg_jra55v140_iaf_cycle4_jra55v150_extension
#272 opened by aekiss - 3
- 0
- 9
update /g/data/ik11/grids/ocean_grid_*.nc
#236 opened by aekiss - 16
grids in /g/data/ik11 don't have the same format
#233 opened by navidcy - 1
make copy the latest restart to /g/data/
#267 opened by aekiss - 2
CI for config repos?
#261 opened by aekiss - 1
make configs compatible with latest libaccessom2
#262 opened by aekiss - 7
Explicitly set CICE diagnostic flags
#250 opened by aekiss - 16
Model run for few minutes and exited automatically
#256 opened by ctensubam - 2
how to calculate ‘msftyzmpa’ from MOM outputs
#259 opened by ars599 - 0
- 3
FATAL from PE 43: file/field /g/data/qw43/ct2143/Input/Wave_input/ couldnt recognize axis atts in time_interp_external
#255 opened by ctensubam - 2
- 1
set LANG environment variable in
#253 opened by aekiss - 39
Intermittent output from MOM
#241 opened by russfiedler - 0
Repro testing failing due to python error
#251 opened by aidanheerdegen - 2
Age tracer reset in each IAF cycle
#235 opened by aekiss - 2
add a CITATION.cff file?
#249 opened by aekiss - 7
UCX warning messages filling log file
#244 opened by aidanheerdegen - 0
Move model config CI to GitHub
#245 opened by aidanheerdegen - 1
ACCESS-OM2 build failing
#238 opened by aidanheerdegen - 13
u² is saved under variable name u (possibly same for v): confusion for cosima-cookbook database
#234 opened by navidcy - 8
- 5
OverflowError: date value out of range
#228 opened by hakaseh - 0
CICE and MOM5 executables do not print out their git hash when run on command line
#237 opened by nichannah - 18
- 0
MOM accessom2 driver use OASIS-MCT restarts
#231 opened by nichannah - 7
should "archive" always be stored under "access-om2"?
#230 opened by hakaseh - 6
Cannot check out cice submodule
#229 opened by MarkCheeseman - 2
- 3
index file smaller than expected
#223 opened by hakaseh