- 0
- 0
Add Experiment Manager tools
#33 opened by minghangli-uni - 2
- 2
DROF and DATM stream names
#27 opened by aekiss - 0
Tweak settings in cice concatenation
#26 opened by anton-seaice - 0
- 0
Update `input` directory to `INPUT`
#19 opened by dougiesquire - 2
Include date and username in provenance metadata?
#14 opened by aekiss - 1
`data_stream_xml_generation` scripts produce files that are inconsistent with ACCESS-OM3 configs
#16 opened by dougiesquire - 3
- 30
Proper metadata for CICE grid files
#7 opened by aidanheerdegen - 0
- 2
- 5
Move scripts for generating WW3 inputs
#3 opened by dougiesquire - 1