
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Node.js CI

Made for the COVID19 Chat bot


  1. Twilio Account
  2. AWS or any cloud provider for DB
  3. OpenCage for Geocoding to translate between Postal/Zip Code to Lat/Lon Coordinates

How to add a new Function

  1. Create a .js file in /twillioFunctions
  2. Ensure the function exports using exports.handler
const nearestCenter = async (context, event, callback) => {

exports.handler = nearestCenter

  1. To test locally, add the as a route to express
  2. See the example below
  const postalCode = req.body.postalCode
  // Pushing into Twilio format
  const mem = JSON.stringify({
    twilio: {
      collected_data: {
        ask_questions: {
          answers: {
            PostalCode: {
              answer: postalCode

  const event = {
    Memory: mem
  const callback = (err, respond) => {
    if (err) res.send(err)
  const { handler } = require('./twilioFunctions/nearestHospital')
  handler(null, event, callback)

I am using .post to send a postalCode as a JSON

Then run npm run start

  1. Add a new rollup.config.js object
    input: 'twilioFunctions/${Name}.js',
    output: {
      file: 'functions/${Name}.js',
      format: 'cjs'
    plugins: [resolve()]

Remember to add this in the existing array

  1. Now, just do npm run deploy, this will create a new function in /functions folder and upload it to twilio
  2. Twilio takes packages, from dependencies under package.json

Update CovidBot

  1. Make changes to APIBot.json -> this is the dev bot
  2. use npm run update:ta to push those changes to twilio https://github.com/twilio/autopilot-templates

twilio SID and Auth Token

if twilio asks you for id and password, go to https://www.twilio.com/console/project/settings Account SID and Auth Token are here


make sure ur .env looks like this AIRTABLE=AIRTABLE_KEY

OCD_API_KEY=Opencage key

CRON_PASS=any random letter, this will unlock airtable with lat,lng


AUTH_TOKEN=twilio Auth Token






DB migrate

install this https://github.com/sequelize/cli#installation

use .env to set ur admin username and password for mysql

There are two ways to migrate and seed:

  1. npm scripts:

    • run npm run seed
  2. Manual (using sequelize-cli)

    1. run npx sequelize db:migrate

    2. run npx sequelize db:seed:all

To generate Models/Seeders follow this example: run npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name HospitalDetails --attributes HospitalName:string,StreetAddress:string,City:string,Province:string,PostalCode:string,PhoneNumber:string,PID:string,lat:float,lng:float