
Primary LanguageSolidity


$ npm install truffle -g
$ npm install

Deploy the app

# testnet
- make sure you have bnb balance in your wallet for deployment. Receive test bnb value from page: https://testnet.binance.org/faucet-smart
- change private key in file .private_key.testnet
- run bellow command:

truffle migrate --reset --network testnet


truffle deploy --network testnet --reset --compile-none

# mainnet
- make sure you have bnb balance in your wallet for deployment.
- change private key in file .private_key.mainnet
- run bellow command:
$ truffle migrate --network bsc

test on console

To launch the console, run the command:

truffle console --network testnet

Create a new abstraction to represent the contract at that address:

  • replace "0x1234..." value by your MetaMusk contract address that you deployed before
  • run bellow command in truffle console:
    let specificInstance = await MetaMuskToken.at("0x1234...")

Making a call to buy ICO buy bnb

  • Make sure you have bnb in your wallet
  • Run bellow command in truffle console
    let result = await specificInstance.buyICO({from: accounts[0], value: web3.utils.toWei('0.01', 'ether')})

Making a call to buy ICO buy BUSD

  • Make sure you have BUSD in your wallet address
  • to approve BUSD for our contract, go to this link: https://testnet.bscscan.com/address/0xed24fc36d5ee211ea25a80239fb8c4cfd80f12ee#writeContract (in this case, we are using BUSD contract address 0xed24fc36d5ee211ea25a80239fb8c4cfd80f12ee to integrate with MetaMusk token, you can change BUSD contract address by other BUSD contract address)
  • connect to Web3 by wallet that you are using to test in truffle console
  • at "2. approve" tab method, please fill "_spender" with MetaMusk contract address and fill "_value" equal the value that you are using to buyICOByBUSD (the value in wei format)
  • click "Write" button
  • go back to truffle console and run bellow command:
    let result = await specificInstance.buyICOByBUSD(web3.utils.toWei('1', 'ether'), {from: accounts[0]})

Verify Contract on BscScan

  • Get API key: https://bscscan.com/myapikey
  • replace API key value in env.json file with key BSCSCANAPIKEY
  • replace {contract-address} with your contract address
  • replace {network-name} with network that you config in truffle-config.js file, example testnet, bsc,...
  • run command:
    truffle run verify MetaMuskToken@{contract-address} --network {network-name}
  • example:
    truffle run verify MetaMuskToken@0x68D2E27940CA48109Fa3DaD0D2C8B27E64a0c6cf --network testnet
  • go to https://testnet.bscscan.com/proxyContractChecker?a={proxy-contract-address} (replace {proxy-contract-address} with your proxy contract address)
  • click "Verify" button on page from above link
  • get contract address is display at popup
  • run verify again with this contract



─────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ (index) │ Values │ ├─────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ MetaMuskTokenContractV4 │ '0x2995919424A2AAA74461785481BA6F1573da50b7' │ │ MetaMuskAirdropContract │ '0x50ca551b234581e41d9B7BF2880D647Faee2fb0e' │ │ MetaMuskICOContract │ '0x64F861c71e3AaFF9a57a3f550C7b9019478d8E57' │

let specificInstance = await MetaMuskTokenV3.at("0xc77408aaefd316790061295b0db548c2903ff41c"); let result = await specificInstance.setUnlockPerSecond(925925925925);