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Pokemon JSON API


In this lab, we're gonna build an API that returns JSON information about Pokemon! All the information is already available in the data.js file. Your task is to make this information available in a JSON API using the Express skills that we learned in class.

You should use express to create your app, build the routing logic with the built-in app routing methods, and serve JSON content for every request.


  • Fork this repo
  • Clone this repo


  • Upon completion, run the following commands:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Solved Lab"
    git push origin master
  • Create Pull Request so your TAs can check up your work.


Your API should have (at least) 3 endpoints (routes):

  1. A GET /pokemon route, that serves an array of objects containing data about all the Pokemons
  2. An GET /pokemon/:id route, that serves an object of a specific Pokemon (search in the array using the provided id)
  3. A GET /search route, where the user can search Pokemons by name or type (when searching by type, should return all the pokemon found with that type)


  1. A POST /pokemon route, that inserts the new Pokemon into the existing list of all Pokemons (don't worry about persisting the data to the disk, we're gonan learn that later)
  2. A PUT /pokemon/:id route, that updates an existing Pokemon with the provided data
  3. A DELETE /pokemon/:id route, that deletes an existing Pokemon and returns a success message

Hint: Don't forget that to be able to receive data from the client, you have to tell Express to accept JSON request bodies :)

You should go through the following steps:

  1. Run npm install to install the Express package.
  2. Build your Express app in app.js. The basics are already provided for you, you just have to build your endpoints.
  3. Run npm start to start you server in watch mode.

Happy coding! 💙