Porting in Perl modules to OpenBSD that are WIP.

Primary LanguageVim Script


I am now able to re-start this work again. Please be sure to read LedgerSMB_many_new_dependencies_project_experience. This reflects some problems and lessons I learned working alone on a complex project with many new dependencies needing to be brought in which form long chains of new ports. Many thanks to those who helped me with the project! I could not have accomplished this much without a lot of help.

Porting in Perl modules to OpenBSD that are WIP, submitted or needing updates.

Any work found under cpan directories are generated by a port generator program. These are a good start, but are not yet ready for submission to ports@openbsd.org. Look at the porting guides at the top of the FAQ page of the OpenBSD site. https://www.openbsd.org/faq/index.html

If you want to help port: Send the work you are doing to my email or ports@openbsd.org. Please be sure to mention that any ports you submit are specifically for LedgerSMB upcoming release! Porting work must run with the latest version of -current and the latest version of the ports tree or work may not be accepted. If you do not get an immediate response, please submit a "ping" after a week or two. This is very commonly needed due to a small and very busy group of committers that review the work.


There is a lot of useful work that does not mean needing to help port in modules!

Keeping track of changes to the LedgerSMB cpanfile.

Writing up how to setup different servers.

Just keeping track of the occasional changes to OpenBSD's existing ports being updated or broken is pretty simple, but saves a lot of time for porting work to get done correctly instead of getting submitted wrong and needing changes after submission.