MAW1 - Exercise Looper


Create a copy of this web application : Exercise Looper


Intermediate : 31.10.2022
Final : 21.12.2022


We must use HTML5 and CSS.
Frameworks and JavaScript are forbidden by default


Local installation (for development)


  • Have a Php and Mariadb service installed and be able to reach them in a shell (test php -v and mariadb -v to verify. Successful verification if the command is recognized.
  • Have the PDO extension activated on the Php server (change ;extension=pdo_mysql to extension=pdo_mysql in the php.ini file or verify that it is already done).


  1. Get the repository from GitHub (clone or .zip download) (example clone in a shell in the C:/Users/Alice/Documents/GitHub/ folder)

     cd C:/Users/Alice/Documents/GitHub/
     git clone
  2. Open a shell and install the PHP packages (with Composer) in the folder app!

     cd app
     composer install
  3. Start the MySQL service. Log in (with an SQL client for example) as the root account. Execute the MAW1-BPT-SMD\modelisation\createDatabase.sql file, which will create the looper database and its tables. Then create a new user (named here looper with looper for password) and give him access to the previously created looper database. Connect to the new user to verify that it has been created and that it has access to the looper database.

  4. Go to app. Duplicate the .const.php.example file and rename it to .const.php.

  5. Start an IDE at the root of the repository. Modify the values ​​of the .const.php file in order to register the identifiers of connection to the database (4 values ​​+ a cartridge).

     $user = "looper";
     $pass = "looper"; //Special php characters must be preceded by \
     $dbhost = "localhost";
     $dbname = "looper";
  6. Start a PHP server with the command : php -S localhost:<PORT> -t public on a free port (here 8888).

  7. Open a web browser on the localhost address and the chosen port: localhost:<PORT>.

ExerciseLooper features

Exercise building

  • Create a new blank exercise with a title
  • Add a new field with a title and a value type
  • Edit an existing field to either rename it or change the value type
  • Destroy an existing field

Exercise taking

  • List the exercises that are ready for answers
  • Take an exercise to see all the fields
  • Answer the taken exercise by filling the fields
  • Update the existing answers for a taken exercise

Exercise management

  • List all the exercises in 3 columns based on their state
  • Destroy an exercise (only when building or closed)
  • Change state of an exercise through icon buttons
  • Stats for an exercise: show the recap (all takes, all fields)
  • Stats for an exercise: show the answers of all fields of one take
  • Stats for an exercise: show the answers on one field of all takes