
A port of the HTML5Up template "Massively" to the Grav CMS

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

GrMassively Theme

The GrMassively Theme is for Grav CMS.

It is a port of the Massivley theme from HTML5Up (which is licensed under a Creative Commons By Attribution license CC BY 3.0)

HTML5Up has lots of great designs worth looking at.


This Grav implementation of Massively provides default, article, collection and frontpage templates to implement the pages shown in the Massively demo on HTML5Up.


This theme requires the Pagination and Form plugins to implement all of it's featues.


The GrMassively theme has been parameterised so that theme wide features can be set from the Admin—>Themes->GrMassively screen. Included are tabs for General settings, Social Links & Copyright and the Footer contact form and details. Each tab is explained in more detail below.


The General settings that can be adjusted are:

  • Background Image
    You can create your own background image for the theme and upload it to your Grav site. For it to work it must be called bg.jpg. For reference the orginal bg.jpg used in Massively is 1680 px wide and 2000 px tall.
  • Highlight Color
    Various link and button change to the highlight color when hovered over, Massively defaults to #18bfef but in GrMassively we provide an override that you can set to any color available in the web color space.
  • Page Date Format
    Articles in Massively display their date across the top of the article, from this option you can select from a range of date format to suit your preferences.
  • Read more Label
    Article collection pages (like the frontpage in the demo) provide a button to link to the full aritlce, the default label is Full Story but you can set it to anything you want using this option.

Social Links & Copyright

The Social buttons (displayed top right of theme) and the Copyright block (displayed at the very bottom of the theme) can be configured from this tab.

  • Copyright Block
    You can add as many items to the copyright block as desired. Each item is separated from the next by padding and a vertical pipe |. Each item can contain basic markdown or Twig. Due to constraints of the design small peice of content are recommended.

  • Social Buttons
    Each item in the social buttons area can define an Icon (e.g. Twitter), Lnk Title (e.g. 'See you on Twitter') and an actual Link (e.g. https://twitter.com/cpplaus). You can add as many items to the Social Buttons block as you like, but bear in mind the space limitations of the theme.

Footer Contact Settings

This section deals with the settings for the site-wide footer defined in the Massively theme that appears directly above the Copyright block at the bottom of the page.

  • Enable Contact Form
    If this is not enabled, the left side of the footer will be empty. If it is enabled you must select a Grav page with a suitable contact form embedded in it. (The demo content includes a suitable form in the page contact-us/form.md.)
  • Footer Address
    Enables the display of any Address block items in the footer right position.
  • Address Block Items
    These items are displayed in the footer right block. Each item is displayed in it's own block, and has a Type, Label and a Value.
    • Type controls how the Value is rendered, and can be one of:
      • Address
      • Email
      • Link (url)
      • Markdown
      • Telephone number, or
      • Plain text
    • Label is displayed to left of the Value and is usually a suitable word like "Phone" or "Website"
    • Value is the content you want to display and is rendered differently according to type.
      Email, link and telephone numbers are all appropriately wrapped to make the links live.
      Markdown is parsed for standard markdown and plain text is rendered as entered (so basic HTML can be used.)
      Please note complex markdown will not work well with the themes structure.
  • Social Block
    Enables the display of Social links (defined in the Social Links & Copyright tab) using the them alt icon styling. You can also specify a custom label value for the Social block.


GrMassively is based on Massively from HTML5Up

All conversion work to run on Grav was done by CPPL

Additional credits (per the Massively README.txt)

Demo Images: Unsplash

Icons: Font Awesome