
Dan G's Instructor Workbook for CPSC-1520, Sep 2024

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CPSC-1520 - Instructor Workbook (Sep 2024)

Dan Gilleland - Place your name in this line.


Consult the course outline for the mark distribution and scheduled evaluations. See the Agenda for details on upcoming and completed topics.

Inside This Repo Inside this repository

This repository is your Student Workbook for participating in the in-class demos and for completing practice homework; the coding work is to be placed in the src/ folder. Learning Outcomes (LOGs) and other useful notes can be found in the docs folder, such as links to the Reading Materials for the course. Also, you are encouraged to use the docs/mynotes folder to record your notes from each class.

⚠️ Do NOT use this repository for any assignments that are worth marks. For work worth marks in this course, only use repositories set up/approved by your instructor. ⚠️

Additionally, you can find online notes at the course's Moodle site and on the two unofficial website notes: current and legacy. Also be sure to checkout out the topical Learning Outcomes used in class.

Version Control Version Control

At the end of the term, your repositories on the CPSC-1520 GitHub Organization will be removed. You will still have access to your local versions of these repositories for your personal use and review.

⚠️ Do NOT re-publish your assignment/assessment repositories - doing so with any materials worth marks is an act of academic dishonesty ⚠️

Software et.al. Software & Resources

Required books, videos, tools, etc. for this course include:

  • Software
    • git - This is the beating heart of Version Control, something that you will work with every day. Second only to your editor in terms of usage, it's indispensible for managing your development in teams or on your own.
    • GitHub CLI (Command-Line Interface) - A tool for interacting with your GitHub repository on the command line.
    • node (which includes npm) - Node is a run-time that allows you to use JavaScript on the web server. It comes along with npm (Node Package Manager), a package-management tool for the command line that allows you to integrate 3rd-party libraries with your application.
    • pnpm - An alternative to Node's built-in npm tool, pnpm is much faster and more efficient to use.
    • Visual Studio Code (see Notes on VS Code extensions) - This is the preferred editor for working in almost any programming language.
  • Accounts/Services
    • GitHub - Core to everything you will do, this service handles cloud hosting of your repositories and so, so much more!
    • Netlify - Hosting platform for your website projects. Ultimately, you will need to know how to publish your projects as part of a Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CI/CD) workflow. Suitable for static websites.
    • Vercel - Like Netlify, Vercel offers hosting and CI/CD workflows to aid you in publishing your websites.
    • FireBase - Similar to Netlify and Vercel, FireBase also offers various features/products to support dynamic websites, including realtime databases and authentication.
  • Books/Videos
    • Refer to Readings.md in the docs folder for official and recommended reading materials. Also, take a look at the LanguageRef.md doc.

Other recommended resources include:

Eloquent JavaScript

VS Code Extensions

Here are some helpful VS Code Extensions for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS Development.

Down the road, if you're interested in learning TypeScript, consider installing the following extensions: