
An accessible API for effective distributed processing

Primary LanguagePython

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User Manual for Dipla API

You can view the user manual for using the Dipla API here, including examples of how to write programs that use dipla.

Setting Up your Development Environment


  • To set up the project, you will need...
    • git
    • python 3.5
    • python3-tk
    • pip
    • virtualenv


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://www.github.com/cpssd/dipla.git

  2. Change directory to project root: cd dipla

  3. Create your virtual environment: virtualenv venv --python=<python3_path>

    • Linux: virtualenv venv --python=/usr/bin/python3
  4. Activate your virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate

  5. Install the project dependencies: pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

You can now write code for the project!


To generate documentation we use pydoc.

It can be run with python3 -m pydoc dipla/server/task_queue.py where task_queue.py can be replaced by the file you want documentation on.


  • If you install additional dependencies with pip, you can update the requirements file using pip freeze > requirements.txt

  • Remember to deactivate the virtual environment when you're done using deactivate

  • Remember to run ./tests/example_binaries/build_binaries.sh before running the tests

Running the tests

You can run all the tests with: nosetests

Checking Code Style

You can check if your code complies with the PEP8 style guide using pep8.

  • Checking all of the tests: pep8 tests

  • Checking all of the production code: pep8 dipla