
A Simple but Strong DDoS tool used for taking out websites with certain security issues.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Orbit One of the most EASIEST & FASTEST DDoS tool, ment to be used for network secruity testing.

More Info

Terminal - Version 1.7

App - Version 2.5

The user CPScript is not responsible for your actions, and has no liability for what you do with this program. Made for educatinal purposes only


Don't worry about installing... all you gotta do is run the program, i made it auto install :)
Install manualy

[Step 1] pyttsx3 (Text-to-Speech) Just to make it cooler. Not Neccesary for GUI.

pip3 install pyttsx3

[Step 2] pyfiglet (Cause its Neccesary to be Cooler) Install Figlet in Kali Linux as some results show that pyfiglet doesnt show anything.

sudo apt-get install figlet
pip3 install pyfiglet

[Step 3] colorama (Another Step towards CLI Beauty)

pip3 install colorama

[Step 4] os (Already in Python3)

pip3 install os

[Step 5] socket (For an Upcomming Release)

pip3 install socket

[Step 6] wheel (To make wheel of colorama)

pip3 install wheel

[Steo 7] cryptography (Ment for encryptor)

pip3 install cryptography

[Step 8] GoLang [REQUIRED]

Download for your OS form Golang.org/dl/
Other Instalations for a diffrent OS
[+] MacOS


[+] Windows


[+] Linux


sudo apt-get install golang


sudo apt-get install golang-go

[+] Kali Linux

Kali has GoLang Pre-Installed. Check by typing;


If not Follow, the above shown for Linux/Ubuntu

[+] Other Use Install.py to Install all of these except GoLang (Has to be downloaded Manually)

python3 Install.py

[>] Usage

python3 DDoS.py

[>] GUI Requirements

Install Pyfiglet and GoLang as Above and you are ready to go. Use this if you cannot satisfy one of the above dependancies. Highly Easy to use. Recommended for Beginners using Windows. If you use this on a Linux Distro and get tkinter not found install tkinter.

python3 GUI.py

Tested OS/ENV

  • Linux Stable Release 2020

  • Kali Linux 2019.3

  • Google Colab

  • Windows 10

  • MacOS X 10.10.5 Onwards (OS X Yosmite)

This should run on all enviorments. Even on Oldest OS's provided the above dependancies are completed

Videos & Images




Screenshot 2023-03-17 11 44 18 AM

Beta Version:

Screenshot 2023-03-14 12 39 44 PM