
A progressively enhancing jquery menu.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


A progressively enhancing jquery menu. Originally developed for the Doctran project.

Basic Usage

The project consists of a LESS stylesheet and a JavaScript. However, the minified JavaScript and the compiled LESS should be used. To do this simply place doctranmenu.min.js, doctranmenu.css and the img folder into the folder where your HTML resides and include the following lines in your HTML document:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="doctranmenu.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="doctranmenu.js"></script>

As this project depends on jquery, you will also require a reference to it as shown below.

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script>

The menu marks up a standard HTML list, where the following correspondence is made when javascript is enabled:

  • <li><a href="link">Item 1</a>... -> Menu item labeled Item 1 linking to link.
  • <li><a href="link">Item 1</a><ul><li>... -> Menu item labeled Item 1 linking to link and can be expanded to show a list.
  • <span class="title">Title 1</span> -> A unlinked menu item acting as a title.
  • <li class="sublist"><span>Sub List 1</span><ul><li>... -> A sublist with heading Sub List 1.

When javascript is disabled styling elements will be maintained but the menu will appear fully expanded, and of course when Javascript and CSS is disabled a list containing link will be display.

To get javascript to process the HTML list you have to run the doctranMenu function. For example, on a element having a doctran-menu class you would run


where options can be

  • toggleDuration, Specifies the time of the animation to open or close a menu item. (Default: 0).
  • recursiveClose, Specifies whether close a menu item's list should close all nested menu item lists.(Default: true).
  • uniqueBranching, Specifies whether open another menu item list at the same depth should close an already open item list. (Default: true).
  • expanderOpen, The character to use for open expander. (Default: "▼").
  • expanderClosed, The character to use for close expander. (Default: "▶").
  • openActive, Specifies whether the menu should open to the item marked with the class 'active' (Default: true).
  • showHide, Properties relating to the show/hide switch.(Default: 0).
  • showHide.toggleDuration, Specifies the time of the animation to open or close the menu. (Default: null).
  • showHide.appendTo, The element to use as a show/hide switch. (Default: null).
  • showHide.onShow, Action to perform when the show/hide switch is clicked to show the menu.(Default: null).
  • showHide.onHide, Action to perform when the show/hide switch is clicked to hide the menu. (Default: null).
  • search, Properties relating to the search form.
  • search.action, The search form action. (Default: null).
  • search.filter, The filtering method.
  • search.resultInfo, Function to construct search results information.


For examples, see exampleusage.html.


Mozilla Public License 2.0