
A Discord bot for my Discords, it does random stuff

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License Discord


CPlusPatch's Little Helper

My personal bot

About The Project

Bot screenshot

I made this bot because I wanted to have a fun little project to work on, so yeah I'm doing this now? It can deez nut people and moderate a little

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Built With

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Getting Started

Getting a working copy is fairly simple


You'll need npm of course, and if you want to use the /song command a Spotify token.

  • npm

    npm install npm@latest -g


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/cpluspatch/cpluspatch-bot.git
  2. Install NPM packages

    npm install
  3. Copy config.json.example to config.json

    cp config.json.example config.json
  4. Fill in config.json

  5. Create a data folder and create lang.json, roles.json and toggle_triggers.json inside

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Gaspard Wierzbinski - contact@cpluspatch.com

Project Link: https://github.com/cpluspatch/cpluspatch-bot

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