
Implementing Ross/Selinger's z-rotation synthesis (1403.2975v3) in Rust for real-time profiling purposes.

Primary LanguageRust


Implementing Ross/Selinger's z-rotation synthesis (1403.2975v3) in Rust for real-time profiling purposes.

WARNING: Nihar is an amateur coder. You have been warned.


src contains the codes. src/structs contains the rings src/tests contain some tests src/algorithms contain the algorithms


Do cargo test -- --nocapture in the repository for debugging, testing.

Do cargo run in the repository for running the hashtable generating algorithm. (Note: this requires a file named data/gates_with_small_t_count.dat to exist; you should create this file before running cargo run for the first time.)

Run the following for some nice output about exact_synth.

cargo test exact_synth_tests::testing_exact_synth_rapidly_with_long_sequences -- --nocapture

Run the following to see sum output about inexact_synth. The following test will often fail, and is a good way to explore the current problems with the code.

cargo test inexact_synth_tests::random_inexact_synth_test -- --nocapure

Run the following to test code coverage. It will generate an html report in \target that you can browse happily.

cargo llvm-cov --html 


Tests that fail will probably do so due to one of the following

  • Floating point weirdness.
  • Integer overflows

Plan of implementation

Section 7.3 of [1] outlines the main algorithm.

  • Write an exact synthesis library (to do Step 3 as in the outline)
  • Figure out prime factorization (implement or include)
  • [O] Debug exact synthesis
    • Works for single H gate
    • Works for single T gate
    • Works for HT gate!
    • Works for really long gate sequences!!!
  • [o] Debug inexact synthesis
    • Fix the erroroneous prime factorization in the KMMring
    • Write tests.
    • Works upto $\varepsilon \simeq 10^-3$.
  • Generalize to gates like $X_{\pi/2},Y_{\pi/2},Z_{\pi/2}$.

Some notes and overall verdict

I will make a verbose description of the state of affairs.

What works in the code

  • Gate synthesis!
  • Various number theoretic rings that are of interest for this project.
  • Exact gate synthesis. Given a long chain of "H" and "T" gates, it can do some number theory and give out a shorter one. This performs better with larger strings than with smaller strings
  • Hash table reading, writing. This could possibly be repurposed to do brute-force gate searches.
  • Lenstra–Lenstra–Lovász algorithm for 4d dimensional lattice basis reduction.

What doesn't work and why

  • The Int type use in src/structs/rings/mod.rs is a i128 (which is still better than an i64 used initially). But at some point, if I have $x=a+b\omega+c\omega^2+d\omega^3 \in \mathbb{Z}[\omega]$, where $\omega = e^{\tfrac{1}{4}i\pi}$ and if I want to compute $N(x)$, this would involve taking fourth powers of $a,b,c,d$. This is actually a very routine computation that is needed to calculate gcd in this ring and in the cases where it needs to be done, $a,b,c,d$ might already be coming from sums of squares of integers. i128 is the largest integer type Rust allows and this means that working with integers bigger than 65536 could lead to overflows. Now there is a BigInt crate that could be called, but this does not implement that Copy trait, which is because a BigInt cannot have memory allocated during compile. Not using Copy makes doing arithmetics much harder and using BigInt would produce very ugly code with stuff like random_integer+Int::one() instead of random_integer+1. The fallout is that we are not able to get gate synthesis for values below $\varepsilon < 10^-3$.

Proposed changes that I did not get time for

  • Replace the i128 in src/structs/rings/mod.rs with BigInt from num::BigInt. Remove borrowing the Copy trait in some structs as prompted by the compiler. Take care of the >1000 bugs that it throws thereafter. An alternate way could be to write an Int struct that works like i512 or something.
  • Once the integer overflow problem is pushed away, we would run into problems with prime factorization. The Ross-Selinger paper throws away lattice points for which prime factorization is too hard. Right now, this isn't a problem but when it happens, one of the two fixes are possible:
    • Do as they do. Throw away primes for which factorization takes longer than average.
    • Make a parallel process for each lattice point at the point where factorization has to occur. When at least one point leads to a succesful gate find, stop adding new processes. The point of doing this is, we get a "second to optimal" $T$-count quickly and then some more optimal "T"-counts after the processes finish. I did not get time to implement this, but I don't think it should take more than a week or two to do this.
  • Almost all the overflow errors happen in structs/rings/zomega.rs at line 224. That's because we're taking norms which involves taking fourth powers. There might be a sleek way to do the same operation without this?
  • The Ross-Selinger paper suggests that once you get find a gate $U$ that is close to the $e^{i\theta Z}$, running exact_synth for both $U$ and $T^{-1} U T$ and take the one with the smaller $T$ count. This has only effects upto global phase and perhaps pytket will already do this optimization if needed. But writing this is pending since the final description of gate sequences is not clear (is it an array? Binary sequence? String?).
  • Apply the Rust warnings. I have turned off the warnings in the main.rs, */mod.rs files because they were annoying. They can be fixed easily for someone inclined. I ran cargo fix and cargo fix --clippy a few times but I couldn't get them all. It mostly contains useless stuff like unused imports, redundant parantheses and uppercase/lowercase variable names.

Formula for zomega.rs that could be more efficiently implemented to fix integer overflows

What we need is to edit to output the following in line 217 of zomega.rs to make it accomodate larger integers than i128. Here is the formula. Suppose $\text{self} = x_0 + x_1\omega + x_2 \omega^2 + x_3 \omega^3$ and $\text{other} = y_0 + y_1\omega + y_2 \omega^2 + y_3 \omega^3$. What we want is to calculate the integers:

z_3 = (((x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_0 + (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_1 - (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_2 + (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_3)*y_0 - ((x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_0 - (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_1 - (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_2 + (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_3)*y_1 + ((x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_0 - (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_1 + (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_2 + (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_3)*y_2 - ((x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_0 - (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_1 + (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_2 - (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_3)*y_3) ;

z_2 = (((x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_0 - (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_1 - (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_2 + (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_3)*y_0 - ((x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_0 - (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_1 + (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_2 + (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_3)*y_1 + ((x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_0 - (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_1 + (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_2 - (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_3)*y_2 + ((x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_0 + (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_1 - (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_2 + (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_3)*y_3) ;

z_1 = (((x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_0 - (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_1 + (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_2 + (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_3)*y_0 - ((x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_0 - (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_1 + (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_2 - (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_3)*y_1 - ((x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_0 + (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_1 - (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_2 + (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_3)*y_2 + ((x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_0 - (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_1 - (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_2 + (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_3)*y_3) ;

z_0 = ((x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_0 - (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_1 + (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_2 - (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_3)*y_0 + ((x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_0 + (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_1 - (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_2 + (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_3)*y_1 - ((x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_0 - (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_1 - (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_2 + (x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_3)*y_2 + ((x_1*y_0 + x_2*y_1 + x_3*y_2 - x_0*y_3)*y_0 - (x_2*y_0 + x_3*y_1 - x_0*y_2 - x_1*y_3)*y_1 + (x_3*y_0 - x_0*y_1 - x_1*y_2 - x_2*y_3)*y_2 + (x_0*y_0 + x_1*y_1 + x_2*y_2 + x_3*y_3)*y_3)*y_3 ;

n_0 = ((x_0^2 + x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2)*x_0 - (x_0*x_1 + x_1*x_2 - x_0*x_3 + x_2*x_3)*x_1 + (x_0*x_1 + x_1*x_2 - x_0*x_3 + x_2*x_3)*x_3)*x_0 - ((x_0*x_1 + x_1*x_2 - x_0*x_3 + x_2*x_3)*x_0 - (x_0^2 + x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2)*x_1 + (x_0*x_1 + x_1*x_2 - x_0*x_3 + x_2*x_3)*x_2)*x_1 - ((x_0*x_1 + x_1*x_2 - x_0*x_3 + x_2*x_3)*x_1 - (x_0^2 + x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2)*x_2 + (x_0*x_1 + x_1*x_2 - x_0*x_3 + x_2*x_3)*x_3)*x_2 + ((x_0*x_1 + x_1*x_2 - x_0*x_3 + x_2*x_3)*x_0 - (x_0*x_1 + x_1*x_2 - x_0*x_3 + x_2*x_3)*x_2 + (x_0^2 + x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2)*x_3)*x_3  ;

and then we want to return $\lfloor \frac{z_0}{n_0} \rceil + \lfloor \frac{z_1}{n_1} \rceil \omega + \lfloor \frac{z_1}{n_0} \rceil \omega^2 + \lfloor \frac{z_2}{n_0} \rceil \omega^3$ where $\lfloor\bullet \rceil$ means the nearest integer to $\bullet$.

Feel free to write to me at for any discussions, or just start an issue on this repo.
