
DisCoCirc experiments using neural networks

Required packages: discopy, lambeq, tensorflow, sklearn

pip install git+

bAbI Tasks

To train a model, run You can specify the model (i.e. trainer), dataset and hyperparameters. The list of models is summarized in the table below.

Trainer Description
DisCoCircTrainerIsIn The is_in model has the best results so far with accuracy of 91% on babi task 1. The is_in network is plugged takes in two wires as inputs and returns as scalar as output. To answer the "Where is person?" question, we plug in the given person and iterate through all possible locations (i.e. wires in the circuit). Finally, we apply softmax to get the probabilities.
DisCoCircTrainerAddLogits Similar to is_in model but the is_in network returns a logits vector of the size of vocab. These logits are added before converting to probabilities.
DisCoCircTrainerAddScaledLogits Along with the is_in network returning logits, we have another network that returns a scalar for each wire. This scalar represents the relevance of the wire for the given question. These relevance values are used to compute the weighted sum of logits.
DisCoCircTrainerWeightedSumOfWires We first use the relevance to compute the weighted sum of the output vectors (wires). Then we have another feedforward network that takes this sum to probability over vocab.
DisCoCircTrainerLSTM Output of the circuit is fed into an LSTM and the final output of LSTM is passed through a feedforward network to convert to probability over vocab.
DisCoCircTrainerTextspace We use the idea of set neural network to convert the output wires of a circuit to a single textspace wire. This final output is then converted to probabilty over vocab.