
This is a Vue 3 component for rendering pytket circuits.


Via package manager:

npm install pytket-circuit-renderer

Or include directly in a script tag. Make sure to also load the css.

<script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


Note that this component depends on Vue 3. If using a package manager, simply import and use as normal: import { circuitDisplayContainer } from "pytket-circuit-renderer"

If loading the script directly, locate the module as below: const circuitDisplayContainer = window["pytket-circuit-renderer"].default

You can then include the circuit display as a component in your vue app:

const app = {
    components: { circuitDisplayContainer },

If using v0.3.0 or later (or v0.2.1), make sure to also enable a required config option in your vue app before mounting:

app.config.unwrapInjectedRef = true

The component will be exposed as <circuit-display-component>.

You can either render json passed directly via the circuit-raw prop:

<circuit-display-container :circuit-raw="circuitJson"></circuit-display-container>

Or collect it from an element on the page by specifying the query string:

<circuit-display-container :circuit-element-str="'#circuit-json-to-display'"></circuit-display-container>

Note that the display container includes a choice of rendering options. You can choose to specify default options when first mounting the component:

<circuit-display-container :circuit-raw="circuitJson" :init-render-options="{'zxStyle': true, ...}"></circuit-display>

The render options you can specify are the following:

  • zxStyle: Render gates as zx-spiders where applicable.
  • condenseCBits: Display classical wires as a single wire.
  • recursive: Display nested circuits recursively where possible.
  • condensed: Display the circuit on one line only, rather than wrapping around.
  • darkTheme : Default to dark mode if not in system theme mode.
  • systemTheme : Default to system theme. On by default.
  • transparentBg: Display the circuit with a transparent background.
  • cropParams: Crop long gate parameters. It is advised that you also set the theme to avoid clashes.

Check the example folder for a basic sample app that uses this component.


To get started with the project locally, first install the npm dependencies via npm install.


You should then be able to run storybook to manually inspect the components via npm run storybook. Automated tests via cypress can be run using npm run test.


To compile the component library use npm run build-lib. Opening test\index.html gives an example app that uses the locally built circuit renderer. Note that you must be serving the local files, for example by first running serve . in the project root directory.