
A fast simulator for Clifford circuits

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This software implements the methods described in BH21 for simulating Clifford circuits.

Reference implementation

A reference implementation in Python is in the reference directory. The implementation is in simplex.py. It requires numpy and bidict:

pip install numpy bidict

To run the unit tests:

cd reference

There is an option to perform some additional internal state validation during testing:

cd reference
./test-simplex --validate

However, this requires that sagemath be installed on your system and that sage scripts be executable with /usr/bin/python. (It uses sage for a matrix rank computation.) It also slows down the tests considerably.


The main class is the Simplex class, defined and documented in simplex.py. Example usage:

from simplex import Simplex
S = Simplex(2) # 2 qubits, initially in the all-zero state
S.H(0) # apply a Hadamard on qubit 0
S.CX(0,1) # apply a CNOT between qubits 0 and 1
b0 = S.MeasZ(0) # measure qubit 0 in the Z basis, return 0 or 1
b1 = S.MeasZ(1) # measure qubit 1 in the Z basis, return 0 or 1
assert b0 == b1 # it's a Bell state
assert not S.is_deterministic() # at least one non-deterministic measurement has been performed

By default, non-deterministic measurements use a PRNG to decide the result. However, for reproduciblility and testing you may specify "coins" by passing an extra argument to the measure operation. For example:

b0 = S.MeasZ(0, coin=0)
assert b0 == 0

Note that is_deterministic() will still return False regardless of whether a coin was actually specified.

C++ implementation

The C++ implementation is in the simplex directory. It is built using cmake. To build the library and the unit tests:

cd simplex
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

Then to run the tests:


Optimization for sparsity

There are two implementations, one (the default) optimized for sparse circuits (and hence sparse matrices), the other not. If you are working with dense circuits, then the dense-matrix-based implementation may be faster. To build this, simply set the SIMPLEX_DENSE option when running cmake. From the build directory:

rm -f CMakeCache.txt
cmake --build .


The C++ API is similar to the API of the Python reference implementation.

#include <simplex.hpp>

Simplex S(2);
S.CX(0, 1);

Measurements return integer values 0 or 1. There is also the same optional argument to the measure operations for specifying coins:

int b0 = S.MeasY(0, 1); // b0 will be 1
int b1 = S.MeasZ(1);

The internal state can be viewed by means of the operator<< method:

#include <iostream>
// ...
std::cout << S;

This will print out the matrices A and Q, the vector b, and the mapping p as described in BH21.

Python module

The C++ implementation is wrapped in a Python module, pysimplex. The binding code is in the simplex/pysimplex directory. To build and install this module:

cd simplex
pip install .

The API is similar to that of the reference and C++ implementations. For example:

from pysimplex import Simplex
S = Simplex(3)
S.H(0).CX(0, 1).CX(1, 2)

To see the internal state, use print(S).

Initialization from Stim files

It is possible to initialize a Simplex from a file in Stim format by passing a file path and (optionally) an integer seed. For example:

S = Simplex("./test-circuits/random_circuit_64.stim", seed=1)

Most but not all Stim instructions are supported. There is little leniency in the parser.

Installation from pypi

To install the current stable version from pypi, simply:

pip install pysimplex

The package is available for Linux, MacOS and Windows, and for Python versions 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12.