A fully functional blog app that will show the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.
We will be completeing the project on the following checkpoints:
Checkpoint 1: Setup and controllers. ✅ Checkpoint 2: Controllers specs. ✅ Checkpoint 3: Creating a data model. ✅ Checkpoint 4: Processing data in models. ✅ Checkpoint 5: Views. Checkpoint 6: Forms ooo Checkpoint 7: Validations, Model specs, and n+1 problems. Checkpoint 8: Add Devise. Checkpoint 9: Add authorization rules. oooooo Checkpoint 10: Integration specs for Views. Checkpoint 11: Add API endpoints. Exercise: API documentation.
- Ruby On Rails
- Linters ooo
- Gitflow
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
git clone git@github.com:CRClothier/rails-blog.git
Then cd School-Library
- Open a terminal and cd into the project repository.
- Run
rspec ./spec/requests/users_request_spec.rb
- Run
rspec ./spec/requests/posts_request_spec.rb
👤 Chris Clothier
- GitHub: @CRClothier
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.